Peering through murky windows at the falling darkness

Peering through murky windows at the falling darkness
16th June 2017 Kathryn
PAINTING acrylic of a view from a train window at night
Staring into the darkness through the windows of the train on the way home from Wales. Thoughts racing through my mind of the darkness actual or implied in the exhibition I’d seen at National Museum Cardiff.  Thoughts of  what had to be done when I got home. Distracted by the scratches and dirt on the inside and outside of the windows.
How are those circular marks made? Who made them?  How does that dirty film cling on? The window has it’s stories but does not shed any light on them.
Peering into the darkness there were flickers of lights. Dog-walkers with head-torches. Cyclists on paths. Flashes of reflected lights in water from fishermen, tree-lights and the slip of moon. Colours still identifiable in the dark space beyond. Shapes and patterns flashing by. The fields still visible as the darkest rich deep greens. Trees and shrubs showing darker against them. Texture has been flattened. Other colours reflected from the clothing of the people sitting in or passing through the train carriage.
I’m making lists of things to do. A few smartphone photographs. Jotting down notes to jog my memory when I paint my interpretation of this  falling darkness – the train journey (Taith Tren)  Mae’n daith flinedig.
Listening in to the sing song voices of fellow passengers. Workers on their way home to a meal – home cooked or being collected with them at the station. Friends who’ve been shopping sharing what they’ve bought with everyone. A happy crowd of people heading into the night. The falling darkness wraps us all.

Train journey

This is my journey one night. From Wales to England. Speeding along. Body and Brain. On the train. Murky windows. Darkness engulfing the countryside. All captured with a variety of media including making a dirty train window as described in this how it was made blog  here.

Taith Tren

Acrylic and resin painting 40 x 40 cm canvas finished with resin. This very unique piece is ready to buy and hang.

PAINTING - acrylic and resin of a view from a train window at night

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