a load of bull

a load of bull
20th February 2011 admin
an acrylic painting of toro rosso pit crew refuelling a car

an acrylic painting of toro rosso pit crew refuelling a carMy life has often been full of a load of bull! Following the F1 and admiring the work of Adrian Newey has meant that both Red Bull and STR are of keen interest to me.  Speed and Liuzzi were the drivers for the team in 2007. I got an amazing shot of Speed’s rear tyre in shreds at Barcelona as it was craned off at the first corner after an incident. Have a feeling he was not feeling a load of bull that day.

A certain young Vettel also scored points on his debut for BMW – standing in for the injured Kubica that year in Indianapolis.  I’m writing this as the Indy 500 is fought over so it felt an appropriate week to complete an acrylic that I’d started a while back, but circumstance had led me to not finish.

Also took the time to review all the F1 programmes and Red Bulletins collected on my travels which together with DVDs got me into the mood for completing the colourful STR crew that I’d sat mesmorised watching at Indianapolis in 2007. Was there with a friend new to F1 who still believes that one of the Red Bull’s was driven by a Max Webber (doh!).

Am definitely pining for F1. Been following the testing at Barcelona, and admiring some of the amazingly arty photographs that have been produced by the photographers out there.

It seems that over the last season they were looking for a different type of record from the standard cornering shots, with some wonderfully creative shots as well as the photo-journalism they need to provide. I do hope that they are from working with the camera rather than photoshop. Loving it.

A load of bull

Torro Rosso Crew is a 40.5 x40.5 cm acrylic painting on canvas with a deep painted edge.

an acrylic painting of toro rosso pit crew refuelling a car

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